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Embracing Mergers and Acquisitions: With Adams Moore Accountants

All good things come to an end! At some point, each and every business owner must consider retirement and a strategy for a potential exit from their business. It’s quite often a traumatic and emotional time, but here at Adams Moore we are here to help and advise.

Whether considering a management buyout from your team, reinventing your company to be run by your management team as you go part time, or, a sale to a third party; embarking on the M&A journey parallels setting sail on a journey of personal growth.

If you choose to sell your business, this will take you on a learning curve. Adams Moore will serve as your mindset mentor, offering wisdom gained through experience to guide you through the complete sales process.

How do you know if you have had a good offer for the business? How do you value your business? How do you maximise this valuation? How much are you involved in the business sale transaction? How long does it take to sell a business? Will you be involved in an earn out? How painful is due diligence?

All these valid questions we will answer and guide you through the process from maximising the valuation, identifying a timeline, creating a competitive market, minimising due diligence, and helping you exit.

Just as a growth mindset has propelled your personal development in growing your successful company, allow Adams Moore to be your mindset coach on your M&A journey. With our guidance, the process can be filled with optimism, resilience and transformational success. Call us today to start your journey on 01827 54944.