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01827 54944

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm [email protected]


Taking an educated guess we’d say you are passionate, knowledgeable and committed to your business. We’re experienced, impassioned business people just like you, so we recognise choosing the right service providers who you can trust and build a relationship with can sometimes be difficult and time consuming. 

Every business deserves service and supply-chain partners who are just as enthusiastic about the firm as its owners, which is why we treat our accountancy clients’ exciting companies as an extension of our own. We want to exceed goals and be successful, so we’re pretty sure you do too.

Adams Moore Accountants has a wide range of competitively priced financial services to suit any company’s accounting needs – every business is different so after a consultation we can customise our offering for a best fit. Whether you are looking for expert accountants for sole trader if you’re struggling with a tax return, need a freelance team in lieu of in-house staff, or your finance department requires payroll support, or you are a landlord searching for a property tax accountant, we will transform the way you view accounting.

Board Support Team

Adams Moore Accountants and Business Advisers have been based in the Tamworth area for over 20 years, and the team has many years of experience. We serve clients not only across Staffordshire, but UK wide, as technology has developed to a point where choosing an accountancy firm local to you is no longer necessary. Our experience with accounts and financing is augmented by our robust business know-how and knowledge of many industries. By engaging us as your accountants, you get the added bonus of qualified business advisers too, and we encourage all of clients to use us to the full. Balance sheets, cash flow and other accounting data are used to analyse the health of your company, and findings can help businesses make informed decisions and take them in new directions.

Our accountancy drivers are:

> To increase clients’ profitability

> To make necessary accounting tasks as hassle free as possible

> To advise on the appropriate taxation structure

> To take businesses to exactly where their owners want them to be